(* The Ackermann function is defined by the equations:
* n+1 m=0
* A(m,n) = A(m-1,1) m>0 n=0
* A(m-1,A(m,n-1)) m>0 n>0
(* It's an example of something not structurally recursive,
* that means it's going to be a lot of fun to try and define
* in type theory.
(* A simple example to look at first is double: *)
Fixpoint double (n : nat) : nat :=
match n with
| O => O
| S m => S (S (double m))
(* From the definition you can see that every application of double
* is done with m = S n
Definition nat_struct n m := m = S n.
(* This is a well founded relation *)
Theorem well_founded_nat_struct : well_founded nat_struct.
unfold well_founded.
(* forall a : nat, Acc nat_struct a *)
Print Acc.
(* Inductive Acc (A : Type) (R : A -> A -> Prop) (x : A) : Prop :=
Acc_intro : (forall y : A, R y x -> Acc R y) -> Acc R x
(* For some relation to be well founded, every element must be
induction a.
Acc nat_struct 0
subgoal 2 is:
Acc nat_struct (S a)
apply Acc_intro; intros.
apply Acc_intro; intros.
injection H; intros.
a : nat
IHa : Acc nat_struct a
y : nat
H : nat_struct y (S a)
H0 : a = y
Acc nat_struct y
rewrite <- H0; assumption.
(* Must used Defined. instead of Qed. here if you want to be
* able to use the computational properties of any definition
* given by well_founded_induction on nat_struct
Definition double' : nat -> nat.
apply (well_founded_induction well_founded_nat_struct).
(* ============================
forall x : nat, (forall y : nat, nat_struct y x -> nat) -> nat
intros x double'.
refine (match x as x' return x = x' -> nat
(* the trick here ^ is one of many that gives me more
information about the pattern match than I would get
normally *)
| O => fun eq => O
| S n => fun eq => S (S (double' n _))
(* the underscore here ^ is a proof obligation *)
end (refl_equal x)).
(* x : nat
double' : forall y : nat, nat_struct y x -> nat
n : nat
eq : x = S n
nat_struct n x
unfold nat_struct.
(* x : nat
double' : forall y : nat, nat_struct y x -> nat
n : nat
eq : x = S n
x = S n
Print double'.
double' =
well_founded_induction well_founded_nat_struct (fun _ : nat => nat)
(fun (x : nat) (double' : forall y : nat, nat_struct y x -> nat) =>
match x as x' return (x = x' -> nat) with
| 0 => fun _ : x = 0 => 0
| S n => fun eq : x = S n => S (S (double' n eq))
end (refl_equal x))
: nat -> nat
Eval compute in (double' 6).
(* = 12
: nat *)
Extraction double'.
(* let rec double' = function
* | O -> O
* | S n -> S (S (double' n))
(* The extraction is very very clean, which is excellent!
* It's just that one would like to know -why- the extraction
* doesn't have any 'Acc' or 'well_founded_induction' in it.
* It's not to do with Prop vs Set or Defined/Qed, the reason is
* Coq/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml:
let manual_inline_list =
let mp = MPfile (dirpath_of_string "Coq.Init.Wf") in
List.map (fun s -> (make_con mp empty_dirpath (mk_label s)))
[ "well_founded_induction_type"; "well_founded_induction";
"Acc_rect"; "Acc_rec" ; "Acc_iter" ; "Fix" ]
* I wish I knew why this was in here, I can only assume it's
* some kind of historical artifact, anyway,
Extraction Inline foo bar baz.
* works fine if I were to defined my own Acc type thing.
(* So now we know _what_ to do, it's just a simple matter of doing it
* I must define a relation that is Well Founded (and prove that),
* and is suitable for defining the Ackermann function with
Definition lt_prod_lt : nat * nat -> nat * nat -> Prop :=
fun pq mn =>
let (p,q) := pq in
let (m,n) := mn in
p < m
\/ p = m /\ q < n.
Require Import Omega.
Theorem well_founded_lt_prod_lt : well_founded lt_prod_lt.
(* ... long ugly proof omitted ... *)
Definition Ackermann : nat -> nat -> nat.
intros m n; generalize (m,n); clear m n. (* currying *)
apply (well_founded_induction well_founded_lt_prod_lt).
destruct x as (m,n).
intro Ackermann.
(match m as m', n as n' return m = m' -> n = n' -> nat with
| 0, n => fun _ _ => S n
| S m, 0 => fun eq eq' => Ackermann (m, 1) _
| S m, S n => fun eq eq' => let x := Ackermann (S m, n) _ in Ackermann (m, x) _
end (refl_equal m) (refl_equal n));
rewrite eq; rewrite eq'; unfold lt_prod_lt; auto with arith.
Eval vm_compute in (Ackermann 3 4).
(* = 125
* : nat *)
Extraction Ackermann.
let ackermann m n =
let rec f = function
| Pair (m0, n0) ->
(match m0 with
| O -> S n0
| S m1 ->
(match n0 with
| O -> f (Pair (m1, (S O)))
| S n1 -> f (Pair (m1, (f (Pair ((S m1), n1)))))))
in f (Pair (m, n))
(* Lots of fabulous tupling and untupling,
* Actually, I don't like that, so I have defined a curried
* Acc2 and given similar definitions as the Wf does
Require Import Acc2.
Definition lexi : nat -> nat ->
nat -> nat ->
Prop :=
fun p q m n =>
p < m
\/ p = m /\ q < n.
Theorem well_founded2_lexi : well_founded2 lexi.
unfold well_founded2; unfold lexi.
induction m.
induction n.
apply Acc2_intro; intros.
elimtype False; omega.
apply Acc2_intro; intros.
destruct H.
inversion H.
destruct H.
destruct (lt_eq_lt_dec q n). destruct s.
destruct IHn.
apply H1.
right; split; auto.
rewrite H; rewrite e; apply IHn.
elimtype False; omega.
induction n.
apply Acc2_intro; intros.
destruct H.
apply Acc2_intro; intros.
destruct H0.
destruct (IHm q).
apply H1.
left; omega.
destruct H0.
rewrite H0.
destruct (IHm q).
apply H2.
destruct (lt_eq_lt_dec p m). destruct s.
left; assumption.
right; split; assumption.
elimtype False; omega.
destruct H.
inversion H0.
apply Acc2_intro; intros.
destruct H.
destruct IHn.
apply H0.
left; assumption.
destruct H.
destruct (lt_eq_lt_dec q n). destruct s.
rewrite H.
destruct IHn.
apply H1.
right; split; auto.
rewrite H; rewrite e; apply IHn.
elimtype False; omega.
Definition Ack2 : nat -> nat -> nat.
apply (well_founded2_induction well_founded2_lexi); intros m n Ack2.
(match m as m', n as n' return m = m' -> n = n' -> nat with
| 0, n => fun eq eq' => S n
| S m, 0 => fun eq eq' => Ack2 m 1 _
| S m, S n => fun eq eq' => let x := Ack2 (S m) n _
in Ack2 m x _
end (refl_equal m) (refl_equal n));
unfold lexi; rewrite eq; rewrite eq'.
left; auto.
right; auto.
left; auto.
(* One thing I don't like, is having this let x := .. but I don't know
* how to remove that yet, anyway it doesn't matter much
Extraction Ack2.
let rec ack2 m n =
match m with
| O -> S n
| S m0 ->
(match n with
| O -> ack2 m0 (S O)
| S n0 -> ack2 m0 (ack2 (S m0) n0))
Extraction Language Haskell.
Extraction Ack2.
ack2 :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
ack2 m n =
case m of
O -> S n
S m0 -> (case n of
O -> ack2 m0 (S O)
S n0 -> ack2 m0 (ack2 (S m0) n0))
Saturday 20 September 2008
Accessing Ackermann
Well Founded Relation
Wednesday 17 September 2008
Fin is injective
Inductive Fin : nat -> Set :=
| fz : forall n, Fin (S n)
| fs : forall n, Fin n -> Fin (S n).
Implicit Arguments fz [n].
Implicit Arguments fs [n].
(* Fin is the family of finite types
* Fin n is the type with 'n' distinct elements
* Fin 0 ~ void
* Fin 1 ~ unit
* Fin 2 ~ bool
Inductive sumdys (A:Prop) (B:Type) : Type :=
| dyleft : A -> sumdys A B
| dyright : B -> sumdys A B.
(* Just because I prefer the Prop case to come first *)
Definition fz_or_fs n (f : Fin (S n)) : sumdys (f = fz) { f' | f = fs f' }.
intros; set (P n :=
match n return Fin n -> Set with
| O => fun _ => unit
| S n => fun f => sumdys (f = fz) { f' | f = fs f' }
change (P (S n) f);
destruct f;
[ left; reflexivity |
right; exists f; reflexivity ].
Implicit Arguments fz_or_fs [n].
Lemma no_fin0 : Fin 0 -> forall P, P.
intros f; refine
match f in Fin n' return
match n' with
| O => forall P, P
| S _ => True
| fz _ => I
| fs _ _ => I
(* Destruct a fin down one level *)
Ltac fin_case f :=
destruct (fz_or_fs f);
match goal with
| eq : f = fz |- _ =>
try (rewrite eq in *; clear eq)
| Ex : { f' | f = fs f' } |- _ =>
destruct Ex;
match goal with
| eq : f = fs ?f' |- _ =>
try (rewrite eq in *; clear eq)
end end.
(* Smash a Fin to bits *)
Ltac destruct_fin f :=
destruct (fz_or_fs f);
match goal with
| eq : f = fz |- _ =>
try (rewrite eq in *; clear eq)
| Ex : { f' | f = fs f' } |- _ =>
destruct Ex;
match goal with
| eq : f = fs ?f' |- _ =>
try (rewrite eq in *; clear eq);
match type of f' with
| Fin 0 => apply (no_fin0 f')
| Fin (S _) => destruct_fin f'
end end end.
Lemma one_fin1 : forall f : Fin 1, f = fz.
intro f; destruct_fin f; reflexivity.
Lemma two_fin2 : forall f : Fin 2, f = fz \/ f = fs fz.
intro f; destruct_fin f; auto.
Definition squish n : Fin (S (S n)) -> Fin (S n) :=
fun f => match fz_or_fs f with
| dyleft _ => fz
| dyright (exist f _) => f
Implicit Arguments squish [n].
(* squish pushes down on the Fin *)
Fixpoint bump n (f : Fin n) : Fin (S n) :=
match f with
| fz _ => fz
| fs _ f => fs (bump _ f)
Implicit Arguments bump [n].
(* bump lifts the family a Fin resides in *)
Fixpoint scum n : Fin (S n) :=
match n with
| O => fz
| S n => fs (scum n)
Implicit Arguments scum [n].
(* scum always floats at the top *)
Lemma fs_injective n (x y : Fin n) : fs x = fs y -> x = y.
intros; destruct n.
apply (no_fin0 x).
change (squish (fs x) = squish (fs y)); congruence.
Implicit Arguments fs_injective [n x y].
Lemma bump_isn't_scum n (f : Fin n) : bump f <> scum.
induction f.
contradict IHf.
simpl in IHf; rewrite (fs_injective IHf).
Lemma bump_injection n : forall u v : Fin n, bump u = bump v -> u = v.
intros; induction n.
apply (no_fin0 u).
fin_case u; fin_case v.
rewrite (IHn _ _ (fs_injective H)).
Definition fin_eq_dec n (x y : Fin n) : {x = y} + {x <> y}.
intros; induction n.
apply (no_fin0 x).
fin_case x; fin_case y.
left; reflexivity.
right; discriminate.
right; discriminate.
destruct (IHn x0 x1).
left; congruence.
right; contradict n0; pose (fs_injective n0); congruence.
Implicit Arguments fin_eq_dec [n].
(* thinning a Fin either lifts it or leaves it where it was,
* depending on if it was above or below the wedge.
Definition thin n (wedge : Fin (S n)) : Fin n -> Fin (S n).
induction n.
refine (fun _ e => no_fin0 e _).
refine (fun wedge e =>
match fz_or_fs wedge with
| dyleft _ => fs e
| dyright (exist wedge' _) =>
match fz_or_fs e with
| dyleft _ => fz
| dyright (exist e' _) => fs (IHn wedge' e')
(* thickening a Fin squashes down around a pivot, this is
* a partial inverse of thin, which will be proven soon.
Definition thicken n (wedge e : Fin (S n)) : option (Fin n).
induction n.
refine (fun _ _ => None).
refine (fun wedge e =>
match fz_or_fs wedge with
| dyleft _ =>
match fz_or_fs e with
| dyleft _ => None
| dyright (exist e' _) => Some e'
| dyright (exist wedge' _) =>
match fz_or_fs e with
| dyleft _ => Some fz
| dyright (exist e' _) =>
match IHn wedge' e' with
| Some e' => Some (fs e')
| None => None
Theorem thin_injective n o x y : thin n o x = thin n o y -> x = y.
intros; induction n.
apply (no_fin0 x).
fin_case x; fin_case y.
fin_case o; inversion H.
fin_case o; inversion H.
destruct n.
apply (no_fin0 x0).
fin_case o; rewrite (IHn fz x0 x1); try reflexivity; simpl.
rewrite (fs_injective H); reflexivity.
rewrite (IHn _ _ _ (fs_injective H)); reflexivity.
Theorem thin_mutate n o e : thin n o e <> o.
intros; induction n.
apply (no_fin0 e).
fin_case o.
fin_case e.
pose (IHn x x0).
simpl; contradict n0.
exact (fs_injective n0).
Theorem thin_image n o e : o <> e -> exists e', thin n o e' = e.
intros; induction n.
destruct_fin o; destruct_fin e.
absurd (@fz 1 = fz); auto.
fin_case o.
fin_case e.
absurd (@fz 1 = fz); auto.
exists x; reflexivity.
fin_case e.
exists fz; reflexivity.
destruct (IHn x x0).
contradict H; congruence.
exists (fs x1); simpl; congruence.
Theorem thicken_inversion n o e r : thicken n o e = r ->
(e = o /\ r = None) + { e' | e = thin n o e' /\ r = Some e' }.
intros; induction n.
destruct_fin o; destruct_fin e; left; auto.
fin_case o.
fin_case e.
left; auto.
right; exists x; auto.
fin_case e.
right; exists fz; auto.
destruct r.
simpl in H.
case_eq (thicken n x x0).
intros f' eq.
rewrite eq in *.
injection H; clear H; intro H; rewrite <- H in *; clear H.
destruct (IHn _ _ _ eq).
destruct a.
inversion H0.
destruct s.
destruct a.
injection H0; clear H0; intro H0; rewrite <- H0 in *; clear H0.
right; exists (fs f'); intuition.
simpl; congruence.
intro eq; rewrite eq in H; inversion H.
left; intuition.
destruct (IHn x x0 None).
simpl in H.
destruct (thicken n x x0); auto.
inversion H.
destruct a; congruence.
destruct s.
destruct a.
inversion H1.
(* Why is the proof long? *)
Definition thicken' n (wedge e : Fin (S n)) : wedge <> e -> Fin n.
pose (thicken n wedge e).
destruct (thicken_inversion n wedge e o (refl_equal _)).
destruct a; absurd (wedge = e); auto.
destruct s.
exact x.
Lemma thick_and_thin n o e ne : e = thin n o (thicken' n o e ne).
intros; unfold thicken'.
set (k := thicken_inversion _ _ _ (thicken n o e) (refl_equal _)).
destruct k.
elimtype False; destruct a; absurd (e = o); auto.
destruct s.
destruct a.
Require Import List.
Inductive AllDifferent A : list A -> Prop :=
| nil' :
AllDifferent A nil
| cons' : forall x xs,
AllDifferent A xs -> ~In x xs -> AllDifferent A (x :: xs).
Implicit Arguments AllDifferent [A].
Lemma AllDifferent_injection A B (f : A -> B) x : (forall u v, f u = f v -> u = v) -> AllDifferent x -> AllDifferent (map f x).
intros; induction x; simpl.
apply nil'.
apply cons'; inversion H0.
apply IHx; assumption.
contradict H4.
destruct (in_map_iff f x (f a)).
destruct (H5 H4).
destruct H7.
rewrite <- (H _ _ H7).
Lemma In_P_reduce X (P : X -> Prop) o xs :
(forall x : X, In x (o :: xs) -> P x) ->
forall x : X, In x xs -> P x.
apply H.
Definition map' X Y (P : X -> Prop) (f : forall x : X, P x -> Y) :
forall xs : list X, (forall x, In x xs -> P x) -> list Y.
fix 5.
intros X Y P f xs P'.
destruct xs.
exact nil.
refine (f x (P' _ _) :: map' _ _ _ f xs (In_P_reduce _ _ _ _ P')).
left; reflexivity.
Theorem map'_length X Y P f xs O : length xs = length (map' X Y P f xs O).
intros; induction xs.
simpl; rewrite (IHxs (In_P_reduce _ _ _ _ O)).
Lemma thicken_In_inj n o a x H H' :
In (thicken' n o a H)
(map' _ _ (fun e => o <> e) (thicken' n o) x H') ->
In a x.
intros; induction x.
inversion H0.
simpl in H0.
destruct H0.
rewrite (thick_and_thin _ o a H).
rewrite (thick_and_thin _ o a0 (H' a0 (or_introl (In a0 x) (refl_equal a0)))).
rewrite H0.
eapply IHx.
apply H0.
Lemma saturation n : forall x : list (Fin n),
AllDifferent x -> length x = n -> forall f, In f x.
intros; induction n.
apply (no_fin0 f).
destruct x.
inversion H0.
destruct (fin_eq_dec f f0).
left; congruence.
injection H0; clear H0; intro H0.
inversion H.
clear H1 H2 x0 xs.
assert (forall e, In e x -> f0 <> e).
intros; contradict H4; congruence.
pose (map' _ _ _ (thicken' _ f0) x H1).
Lemma AllDifferent_map'_thicken' n o x (H : (forall e, In e x -> o <> e)) :
AllDifferent x ->
(map' _ _
(fun e => o <> e)
(thicken' n o) x
intros; induction x.
apply nil'.
simpl; apply cons'; inversion H0.
apply IHx; assumption.
contradict H4.
eapply thicken_In_inj.
apply H4.
pose (AllDifferent_map'_thicken' _ _ _ H1 H3).
assert (length l = n).
rewrite <- H0.
rewrite (map'_length _ _ _ (thicken' n f0) x H1).
pose (IHn _ a H2).
pose (i (thicken' _ f f0 n0)).
assert (f0 <> f).
pose (thicken_In_inj _ f0 f x H5 H1).
apply i1.
apply i.
Definition Cardinality : nat -> Set -> Prop :=
fun n A => exists l : list A, length l = n /\ AllDifferent l.
Theorem pigeonhole_principle m : ~ Cardinality (S m) (Fin m).
unfold Cardinality.
intros; intro.
destruct H; destruct H.
destruct x.
inversion H.
case (In_dec (@fin_eq_dec _) f x); inversion H0.
injection H; intro H'.
pose (saturation _ x H3 H' f).
Theorem Cardinality_n_Fin_n n : Cardinality n (Fin n).
induction n.
exists nil; split; [ reflexivity | apply nil'].
destruct IHn.
destruct H.
exists (scum :: map (@bump _) x); split.
rewrite map_length.
apply cons'.
apply AllDifferent_injection.
apply bump_injection.
clear H H0.
induction x.
contradict IHx.
inversion IHx.
absurd (bump a = scum); auto.
apply bump_isn't_scum.
apply H.
Theorem not_gt_Cardinality_n_Fin_m n m : n > m -> ~Cardinality n (Fin m).
Lemma lt_diff n m : n > m -> exists d, n = S d + m.
unfold gt; unfold lt.
intros n m H; induction H.
exists 0; reflexivity.
destruct IHle.
exists (S x).
rewrite H0.
destruct (lt_diff n m); auto.
rewrite H0; clear H0 H n.
induction x.
exact (pigeonhole_principle m).
contradict IHx.
destruct IHx.
destruct H.
inversion H0.
rewrite <- H1 in H; inversion H.
exists xs; split; auto.
rewrite <- H3 in H; injection H.
(* Another triumph of the pigeonhole principle *)
Require Import Arith.
Theorem fin_different n m : n <> m -> Fin n <> Fin m.
intros n m ne; intro H.
destruct (not_eq _ _ ne);
[ pose (Cardinality_n_Fin_n m) as p; rewrite <- H in p |
pose (Cardinality_n_Fin_n n) as p; rewrite H in p ];
eapply not_gt_Cardinality_n_Fin_m;
try apply p; auto with arith.
Theorem fin_injective n m : Fin n = Fin m -> n = m.
intros; destruct (eq_nat_dec n m).
pose (fin_different _ _ n0); contradiction.
Saturday 6 September 2008
cycle = concat . repeat = fix . (++)
It's annoying that I don't know how to write this totally point free.
concat . repeat
{ repeat = fix . (:) }
concat . fix . (:)
{ eta }
\x -> (concat . fix . (:)) x
{ compute }
\x -> concat (fix ((:) x))
{ f (fix g) = fix h <= f . g = h . f }
{ concat . ((:) x) = ((++) x) . concat } <- (2)
\x -> fix ((++) x)
{ eta }
fix . (++)
concat . ((:) x)
{ concat = foldr (++) [] }
foldr (++) [] . ((:) x)
{ eta }
\xs -> (foldr (++) [] . ((:) x)) xs
{ compute }
\xs -> foldr (++) [] (x:xs)
{ compute }
\xs -> x ++ (foldr (++) [] xs)
{ eta }
((++) x) . foldr (++) []
{ concat = foldr (++) [] }
((++) x) . concat
concat . repeat
{ repeat = fix . (:) }
concat . fix . (:)
{ eta }
\x -> (concat . fix . (:)) x
{ compute }
\x -> concat (fix ((:) x))
{ f (fix g) = fix h <= f . g = h . f }
{ concat . ((:) x) = ((++) x) . concat } <- (2)
\x -> fix ((++) x)
{ eta }
fix . (++)
concat . ((:) x)
{ concat = foldr (++) [] }
foldr (++) [] . ((:) x)
{ eta }
\xs -> (foldr (++) [] . ((:) x)) xs
{ compute }
\xs -> foldr (++) [] (x:xs)
{ compute }
\xs -> x ++ (foldr (++) [] xs)
{ eta }
((++) x) . foldr (++) []
{ concat = foldr (++) [] }
((++) x) . concat
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