Monday 6 October 2008

Semigroup/Group proof

Definition associativity (T : Set) (o : T -> T -> T) :=
forall x y z, (o (o x y) z) = (o x (o y z)).

Record Semigroup : Type := makeSemigroup {
T : Set;
o : T -> T -> T;
assoc : associativity T o

Record Group : Type := makeGroup {
T' : Set;
o' : T' -> T' -> T';
assoc' : associativity T' o';
I : T';
unit' : forall u : T', exists v, o' u v = I

(* Any semigroup S with a right unit, and right inverse forall a in
S is a group *)

Theorem ex10
(S : Semigroup)
(right_unit : T S)
(right_unit_meaning : forall a, (o S) a right_unit = a)
(right_inverse : forall a, exists b, (o S) a b = right_unit)
: (* --------------------------------------------------------- *)
exists I : T S,
forall u : T S, exists v, (o S) u v = I.

exists right_unit.


destruct (right_inverse u).
exists x.


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