Thursday, 21 August 2008

Unscrambling with Prolog

%% I'm playing this Oxyd game (inside Enigma [link])
%% One of the puzzles is this scrambled configuration

,[-, ⌈]

%% And you've to hit against the sides to unscramble it into:

,[|, |]

%% Then it explodes and you win a spring
%% The moves you can do are:

,[D, E]
,[F,G,H]) --> ([B,C,A]
,[D, E]

,[D, E]
,[F,G,H]) --> ([F,B,C]
,[A, E]

,[D, E]
,[F,G,H]) --> ([A,B,H]
,[D, C]

,[D, E]
,[F,G,H]) --> ([A,B,C]
,[D, E]

%% I want Prolog to solve this automatically for me though,
%% My first attempt is to use recursion like so,

%: solve(Win,[]) :- solution(Win).
%: solve(State,[Move|Moves]) :- move(Move,State --> Next), solve(Next,Moves).

%! ?- starting(State), solve(State,Moves).
%! ERROR: Out of local stack

%% Since Prolog searches depth first, this just kept trying top_left,
%% again and again, getting nowhere, infact it seeing the same config.
%% so I can pass along a list of seen configurations now, and fail when
%% the same one is seen twice.

%: solve(Win,[],_) :- solution(Win).
%: solve(State,[Move|Moves],Seen) :- move(Move,State --> Next), not(member(Next,Seen)), solve(Next,Moves,[State|Seen]).

%! ?- starting(State), solve(State,Moves,[State]).
%! State = ([-, '⌋', '⌊'], [-, '⌈'], ['⌉', ('|'), ('|')]),
%! Moves = [top_left, top_left, left_down, top_left, top_left, left_down, ...]

%% I got a solution this time... but it's thousands of moves, I think the puzzle can be solved
%% Within at least 10 moves, so Prolog should fail if it gets into a branch in the search tree that deep

solve(Win,[],_,_) :- solution(Win).
solve(State,[Move|Moves],Seen,Limit) :-
move(Move,State --> Next), not(member(Next,Seen)), succ(LowerLimit,Limit), solve(Next,Moves,[State|Seen],LowerLimit).

solve(Solution) :- starting(State), solve(State,Solution,[State],10).

%! ?- solve(Moves).
%! Moves = [top_left, top_left, bottom_left, bottom_left, left_down, right_down, bottom_left,
%! bottom_left, left_down, right_down].

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