Tuesday 27 May 2008

A Haskell Puzzle

chunk n list = case list of { [] -> [] ; (y:ys) -> ch' ys (n-1) (y:) } where
ch' [] _ k = k [] : []
ch' (y:ys) 0 k = k [] : ch' ys (n-1) (y:)
ch' (y:ys) (c+1) k = ch' ys c (k . (y:))

Easy Examples of Pattern Matching in Coq

* A couple of difficulties in Coq or dependently typed programming
* are having to write impossible cases in pattern matches and
* getting at the new information provided by a pattern match.

(* I'll use vectors (lists which have their length as part of the
* type) to explain this since they are very simple objects

Inductive Vec (A : Set) : nat -> Set :=
| VNil : Vec A 0
| VCons : forall n, A -> Vec A n -> Vec A (S n).

(* It's pretty easy to define a total function taking the head
* of any vector using tactics:
Definition head (A : Set)(n : nat) :
Vec A (S n) -> A.
inversion H.
exact H1.
* but actually this results in something terrifying:
Print head.

head =
fun (A : Set) (n : nat) (H : Vec A (S n)) =>
let H0 :=
match H in (Vec _ n0) return (n0 = S n -> A) with
| VNil =>
fun H0 : 0 = S n =>
let H1 :=
eq_ind 0 (fun e : nat => match e with
| 0 => True
| S _ => False
end) I (S n) H0 in
False_rec A H1
| VCons n0 H0 H1 =>
fun H2 : S n0 = S n =>
let H3 :=
let H3 :=
f_equal (fun e : nat => match e with
| 0 => n0
| S n1 => n1
end) H2 in
eq_rect n (fun n1 : nat => A -> Vec A n1 -> A)
(fun (H4 : A) (_ : Vec A n) => H4) n0 (sym_eq H3) in
H3 H0 H1
end in
H0 (refl_equal (S n))
: forall (A : Set) (n : nat), Vec A (S n) -> A
* It would be much shorter to simple define it by pattern matching
* but there is a problem,

Definition head (A : Set)(n : nat) :
Vec A (S n) -> A :=
fun v =>
match v with
| VCons n a _ => a
* it seems ok but what we know (that a vector of length one or more
* cannot ever be VNil) hasn't been made clear to Coq:
Error: Non exhaustive pattern-matching:
no clause found for pattern VNil

(* To define head by pattern matching we must cover all cases
* but there is certainly not object of type A to return given
* a VNil object of type Vec A (S _), of course this is absurd.
* So I'll use the solution given here:
* http://pauillac.inria.fr/pipermail/coq-club/2008/003508.html

Definition head (A : Set)(n : nat) :
Vec A (S n) -> A :=
fun v =>
match v in Vec _ m return
match m with
| 0 => True
| _ => A
| VNil => I
| VCons n a _ => a

(* This is perfect, the trick is very clever!
* the key is that [match m with | 0 => True | _ => A end] is
* convertable to A since m = (S n).
* then VNil is given a trivial case which must be of type True
* (chosen arbitrarily) and VCons gives the actual definition
* we wished for.

(* this is a big hassle, let's avoid going through it again .. *)
Definition tail (A : Set)(n : nat) :
Vec A (S n) -> Vec A n.
intros; inversion H; trivial.

Theorem worm (A : Set)(n : nat) :
forall (v : Vec A (S n)),
v = VCons _ _ (head _ _ v) (tail _ _ v).
inversion v.
A : Set
n : nat
v : Vec A (S n)
n0 : nat
H0 : A
H1 : Vec A n
H : n0 = n
v = VCons A n (head A n v) (tail A n v)

(* so now I tried to prove a theorem relating these functions,
* but of course hit a brick wall, there's just not enough information
* relating the terms to prove it

(* before (when defining head), we met trouble due to not giving a
* total coverage of the type, (that is we ignored Vec A 0) so a
* possible lemma to consider would be an identity on all Vectors
* which takes VNil to VNil and VCons _ _ to VCons (head v) (tail v)
* Actually I had some trouble even writing this, so I let Coq do it
* for me

Definition Vid (A : Set)(n : nat) :
Vec A n -> Vec A n.
destruct n.
intro v.
exact (VCons _ _ (head _ _ v) (tail _ _ v)).
Print Vid.
Vid =
fun (A : Set) (n : nat) =>
match n as n0 return (Vec A n0 -> Vec A n0) with
| 0 => fun H : Vec A 0 => H
| S n0 => fun v : Vec A (S n0) => VCons A n0 (head A n0 v) (tail A n0 v)
: forall (A : Set) (n : nat), Vec A n -> Vec A n
* but actually I'd like to have the proof term here in a simpler
* form if possible, so I rewrote it in the way it way synthesized:

Definition Vid (A : Set)(n : nat) :
Vec A n -> Vec A n :=
match n return Vec A n -> Vec A n with
| 0 => fun v => v
| S m => fun v => VCons _ _ (head _ _ v) (tail _ _ v)

Lemma Vid_is_id (A : Set)(n : nat) :
forall v : Vec A n,
v = Vid _ _ v.
destruct v; reflexivity.

Theorem worm (A : Set)(n : nat) :
forall (v : Vec A (S n)),
v = VCons _ _ (head _ _ v) (tail _ _ v).
intros; apply Vid_is_id with (v := v).

(* What next? *)

Monday 5 May 2008

Prolog CHR - Prime Seive One Liner

%% http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/~dtai/projects/CHR/

:- use_module(library(chr)).
:- chr_constraint prime/1.

prime(X) \ prime(Y) <=> 0 is Y mod X | true.

%% This simpagation rules states:
%% given there are clauses prime(X) and prime(Y)
%% such that 0 is Y mod X, remove the clause prime(Y).

%% To try it out:
primes(1). primes(N) :- prime(N), succ(M,N), primes(M).
%% ?- primes(50) % generate all candidates <= 50
%% % the CHR rule seives out those which are not prime